First Loves and the Toronto Blue Jays

You lost sleep thinking about them. You would countdown the days till you could see them next. When they did something out of character, you blindly defend them. When they let you down, you knew next time it would be different.

Oh by the way, I’m talking about a sports team.


You never forget your first fandom. For me, this is the Toronto Blue Jays. They were my first sports love. They were the first step that led me to becoming the above replacement-level sports blogger that I am today.

The first professional sporting event I ever attended was Detroit Tiger vs Toronto Blue Jays at the previously known SkyDome. My sporting hero at the time was Blue Jay’s shortstop, Alex Gonzales-don’t ask me why. I was lucky enough to run into Gonzalez after this game while my family was eating dinner in downtown Toronto. He also happened to be eating with three gorgeous women and had time to give me his autograph. Hero status #confirmed.


But not every love affair cant last forever. Something else can enter your life and sweep you off your feet.

Or you know, embarrass the New York Yankees.


Every relationship is has its ups and downs. Maybe they gain a few pounds, but you think it’s cute. You realize this new love isn’t perfect and is also capable of making questionable decisions. Some that truly make you scratch your head. At some point in this new relationship, you realize you’re locked in for better or for worse.

This will inevitably cause you to look into what some old flames are up to.

So after creeping their Facebook and Instagram, it seems my first love spent their summer putting the boots to the rest of the American League East after the greatest trade deadline in franchise history.

Well to the Toronto Blue Jays and their fans, like Adele said: “I hope nothing but the best for you”. You have found yourself a new man who doesn’t have a problem expressing his feelings.

It has been a long time since you’ve had someone take you to the big dance.

Yes, the bandwagoners will be there trying to pronounce Encarnacion correctly. They probably won’t know what past star is throwing out the ceremonial first pitch. But this will only cause you to sit in your tattered Carlos Delgado jersey with a bigger smile.

So to Blue Jay’s fans that have been through the lean years, your faith is about to be rewarded. On Thursday and Friday, be proud that you never wavered, sing that horrendous ‘Okay Blue Jays’ song and curse the price of beer. You deserve it.

Hell, I’ll be there like a jealous ex that crashes a wedding and takes full advantage of the open bar.

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